New seasonal releases from Wyeast and Imperial
We have some seasonal offerings in-stock for both Wyeast and Imperial Organic Yeast. These are typically only available for 2-3 months and limited to available inventory.
Imperial Organic Yeast - I22 Capri
Capri’s juicy ester aromatics, tropical flavors, and bright citrus notes emphasize the desirable qualities from the two popular parent strains: A38 Juice & A43 Loki. The Juicy ester aromatics of A38 Juice fuse with the tropical flavors and bright citrus notes of A43 Loki creating a delightfully pleasant drinking experience.
Wyeast Private Collection - 1217 West Coast IPA
The West Coast IPA strain is ideally suited to the production of West Coast-style American craft beers, especially pale, IPA, red, and specialties. Thorough attenuation, temperature tolerance, and good flocculation make this an easy strain to work with.
Wyeast Private Collection - 2575 Kölsch II
This authentic Kӧlsch strain from one of Germany’s leading brewing schools has a rich flavor profile which accentuates a soft malt finish. It has low or no detectable diacetyl production and will also ferment well at colder temperatures for fast lager type beers.
Wyeast Private Collection - 3191 Berliner Weisse Blend
The Berliner Weisse Blend includes a German ale strain with low ester formation and a dry, crisp finish. The Lactobacillus included produces moderate levels of acidity, and the unique Brettanomyces strain imparts a critical earthy characteristic that is indicative of a true Berliner Weisse